
AEDs in schools are common and should be an integral part of your school's Emergency Response Plan.

Are AEDs required in schools?

While many states require AEDs to be placed in schools, laws vary by state. Regardless of whether your state requires it, AEDs in schools are common and should be an integral part of your schools Emergency Response Plan.

What is the best AED for schools?

Our favorite AED for schools is the Cardiac Science G5 - we chose this device for its ease of use, Rescue Ready technology, durability, and text prompts which are useful in loud environments. See our full write up here.

Where are AEDs located in schools?

Schools should locate AEDs in high risk areas - those where many people congregate (such as an auditorium), where athletics are held (gym, athletic fields), and in close proximity to the school nurse. Ideally there should be enough AEDs to be able to deliver a device anywhere on campus within a minute while walking briskly - this allows the rescuer a minute to retrieve the device and a minute to bring it back so that it is delivered to the victim's side within two minutes. Outdoor AED enclosures are useful to provide emergency equipment on athletic fields and parking lots.

How much are AED machines?

Cost of an AED can vary based on the features desired. At minimum, all AED units have clearance from the US FDA and will provide analyzation and treatment of certain lethal heart rhythms. An AED with the most simple features costs around $1200 while more robust devices can cost $2000 or more.